MSI Ethiopia Reproductive Choices is a non-governmental and non-profit making organization that has been providing family planning (FP) and other Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services in Ethiopia since 1990. Its vision is "Children by Choice, not by Chance". In line with this vision, it provides a comprehensive family planning and reproductive health services through MSIE static clinics, social franchising private networks, Public Facility Support (PFS) and Mobile Units
MSI Ethiopia Reproductive Choices (MSIE-RC) began piloting Early Medical abortion (EMA) provision by Level IV HEWS across approximately 50 health posts in late 2023. A total of 100 HEWs were trained on comprehensive abortion care, including gestational age assessment, administration of MA drugs (Misoprostol and Mifepristone), follow-up care, and referrals for complications. The training also included family planning services, emergency management, and value clanfication workshops to ensure a supportive environment. Initial implementation demonstrated demand for the service and the necessity of task shifting. Regional and district health authorities were engaged to facilitate the process, ensuring multi-stakeholder support.
We are seeking a competent research consultancy firm with four or more years of experience in SRH project evaluation to conduct end-term evaluation of this pilot project. The consultant should have experience in managing research including protocol development, tool preparation, fieldwork coordination, established client confidentiality practices. The consultant should also have best experience in managing logistics including materials and personnel with technical specialists in public health and family planning with proven track record of conducting Mixed research.
So, MSI Ethiopia is want to hiring Consultancy firm that qualified and well experienced on the same service, and accordingly, MSI Ethiopia is inviting
1 Interested, qualified and eligible consultancy firms are invited to collect the detailed terms of reference (TOR) for the work from the MSI Ethiopia head office located at Wello sefer, Ethio- China road in front of Tebaber Berta Building, from the reception desk during working hours starting from December 29, 2024, to January 13, 2025, for 15 consecutive working days.
2. Bidders must submit Technical and Financial Proposals in two separately sealed envelopes (one for technical and one for financial) into the box ready for the bid on or before January 13, 2025, 10:00 AM. Bidding documents must be signed. and bidders are also required to submit legal documents (renewed business license, tax identification, value added tax registration certificate...)
MSI Ethiopia Reproductive Choices Kirkos Sub City, Kebele 02 House No. 174 Addis Ababa
P.O. Box 5775
Tel: 011-5509307, 0115509250, Fax 0115509463 Wolo Sefer in front Tebaber Berta Building
3. MSI Ethiopia reserves the right to deal with any supplier of its choice. MSIE is not bound to accept the lowest offer, or any offers reject any or all bids