Kegna Beverage Share Company is a beverage manufacturing company officially established on April 01/2017 G.C. the company's green field project is located in Oromia regional state Near to the town of Ginchi while the project office is found at Eillly International Hotel new building, 10th floor Kazanchis, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The company is to start producing quality beer & non-alcoholic malt products on the first phase and plained to have 2nd Phase expansion plan to produce carbonated water, Juices and other product portfolio.
This is to officially inform that the invitation to bid, initially announced on December 15, 2024, in the Reporter, has undergone changes regarding the bid closing and opening date. The updated details are as follows:
Bidders shall submit their bid proposals during office hours from Monday to Friday to Development bank of Ethiopia's Head Office around Kasanchis, Yosef Broz Tito street Website; - et, ground floor, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia before January 7, 2025 at 02:00 P.M. in the afternoon.
The bid will be closed at 2:00 PM. and opened at 02:30 PM (in the afternoon) on Jan 7, 2025 at Development bank of Ethiopia's Head Office in front of bidders or their legal representatives who wish to attend.
For further information, please contact our office through