For Transportation of Animal Feed from Addis Ababa to Woredas/Kebeles in Afar. Oromia (Borena Zone) and South Ethiopia Regions
Tender Reference No: VSP-G/ETH/2024/15 USAID BHAJ DERR BOASS Alor. Bovend and South Ethiopia project Ethiopia
1 VSF Germany is an Intermanorial Non-Governmentar Organization INGO Invites intereded bidden for hanmaring 13.657.30 quintots of animal feed from Addis Ababa to difierent kebeles in Afor. Oromia Borena and Fast Borena Zones and South Ethiopia Regions
2. Donor: USAID-BHA
3. A complete set of bid document can be obtained from VSF Germany Country Office in Addis Ababa located af Yeka Sub City, Wareda 7. House No. 249, around Wuha Limal behind Holiday Hotel fel +2516662451/251993432653 trom November 25, 2024 to December 5 2024 during working hours, 8:30am 12.30pm and 2:00pm-5:00pm by paving a non- refundable tee of Bèr 200 and by presenting copy of their licenses.
4. Tendering will be conducted through open local lender procedure in three tots as follows and bidders con bid for lall, lot2 13 or all loh Lor 1: 1095 quintals to different Kebeles in Alar Region Lot 2: 8.850 qüintals to different Kebeles in Oromia (Barena and East Boreno Zones) Region Lot 3: 3.712.50 quintals to different Kebeles in South Ethiopia Region
5. Bidders should submit their offers in a sealed envelope to VSF Germany office in Addis Ababa on or before December 6, 2024 until 2:00 PM and must be accompanied by tender guarantee amounting to one percent (1%) of the total bid in the form of only CPO at least for one month from the date of bid opening. Any other form of tender guarantee will not be acceptable and rejected automatically.
6. CPO must be attached in the original technical document
7. Bid must be clearly marked by "bidders name, address legal stamp and reference numben VSF-G/ ETH/2024/15 USAID-BHA/DERR BOASS Afar, Borena and South Ethtopia projects.
8. Bidders must submit fechnical and financial document separately. The technical and financial documents should have one onginal and ane copy for each, clearty marked "ORIGINAL" and "COPY", Each onvelope shall be stamped and property sealed
9. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders and/or mer official representatives who wish to attend at VSF Germany Country Office in Addis Ababa, on Friday December 4. 2024 at 2:30 PM.
10 Failure to comply with any of the conditians indicated above will result in automatic rejection
11. The Organization reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bid. Late tridi shall also be rejected
Veterinaires Sans Frontieres Germany (VSP Germany)