BID REP NO, RE, ETS/NCR/011/2024
1. Pitch Pore Company which li the owner and Down at the Motionate payment Switch of Ethiopia numestics for interested and eligible bladers (agency). for the procurement of the below mentioned service.
Oda Kahle Focaly Breakdown Mskoterance Service for Lumos mouy in 10
2. A Covingte set of Bidding documents in English Vongxage can be purchased by interested bidders om the Company Starting from Monday November 25, 2004 Up on payment of a non-refundable tee of 18 200 (Blex Two hundred only) deposited EthSwitch SC. of A/C CBE 1000089578737 or Awash Bank 01304090025600 in the name of the bid participant organization during the below working hours.
Monday-Riday 8:30 AM-12:00 PM and 1:30-5:00 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM-12:00 PM
3. Biddern Technical & Financial proposal must be detvered to the Company on or before December 10, 2024 of 11:00 AM on the Address provided below. The bid submission will be closed on December 10, 2024 at 11:00 AM. Late bidder will be rejected.
4. Bidderd technical proposals will be opened on December 10. 2024 at 11:30 AM (ie same date as the bio closing) of the head office of the Company in the presence of the bidders or representative who choose to aftens
5. Etndwitch Share Company is located on the (20th) floor of Zernen Bank Head office, in front of Addis Ababa University School of Commerce, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
6 The Bids thall be submitted in two envelopes with detail tescription of the item having orie "Original" and one Topy and cleany marked with the title Bld Document for the procurement of the above mentioned bid and the name of bidding company.
7. The bid must be delivered in person to EthSwitch S.C on or bellore the date stated in number 3 above. Saded Proposal must be accompanied by bid seculty le CPD or Bank Guarantee in the amount Ceserves the right to cancel the bid either. partially of Sally In the further stomation, please contact
ElhSwitch 5.C. ETHSWITCH S.C Adminstration Department
Telephone: +251-11-557-12-04/06 For +251-11-557-11-15 Anda Aliaba, Ethiopία
add, Abdasa Taluka, Kachchh, Gujarat, 370450, India