Mercy Corps is a non-religious, non-profit and non-governmental international humanitarian organization.
Mercy Corpsisseeking a firm to provide consultancy service of:
1. Business model development for Gambella Innovation and Technology Commission
If you are interested in submitting a bid, you should complete an Intent to Bid Form and submit it according to the guidelines below.
1. Intend to Bid Form can be picked up from Mercy Corps Addis Ababa office Yeka Sub- City, Kebele 08, House No. 377; Hayahulet, Tel. 011-1-110777 OR
2. Bidders can send email to et-tender- and request the Intent to bid form.
Completed Intent to Bid Forms must be submitted to Mercy Corps till 23rd August 2024 05:00PM local time in one of the below methods.
1. Email completed Intent to Bid and Supplier Information Forms to et-tender-questions@ with the Tender Reference number in the email subject line. OR
2. Return the completed Intent to Bid and Supplier Information Forms in person and put in the Tender Box placed at Mercy Corps Addis Ababa office Yeka Sub-City, Kebele OB, House No. 377; Hayahulet. The Tender Reference number should be written on the envelope /For International firms but based in Ethiopia/
After the closing date of this Tender Notice, the Request for Bid will be sent to the suppliers who submitted Intent to Bid and Supplier Information Forms. The Request for Bid will be sent according to the preference you have mentioned in the Intent to Bid Form.