Jerusalem Children and Community Development Organization (JeCCDO)
Invitation for Audit service
Tolosarom Chillioren and Coremunity Organization (JECCOO IS exponenced auditing Im Jeeling velopment Develo wolted le conduct a and avan of project experiditures to swimonim period francio The audit wil cover the expenditures of humanitation ald for confict-affected in the Amhara Arat and Tigray regions of Ethiopia Project No. 66819" funded by German Federal Foreign Office through Germon based NGO Kindermothitte ev. (KNH Implemented from July 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.
Scope of Work
The selected auditor will be responsible to undertake the Audit based on the "TERMS OF REFERENCE (TORI FOR AUDITS OF PROJECTS THAT ARE GRANT-FUNDED EY THE GERMAN FEDERAL FOREIGN OFFICE (GFFO)" prepared for this purpose
1. The qualification of the auditor/ audit firm as a chartered certified accountant/certified public auditor recognized by an independent auditing authority must be valid at the time of the award of the audit engagement and the Association of Chartered Accountants/ACCA of by a recognized institution in the auditor's country of residence (e.g. a chamber of commerce or a national institute of public/chartered auditors/ accountants).
2. Proven track record in auditing NGOs or similar organizations.
3. Familiarity with Ethiopian tax laws, donor guidelines, and IPSAS (International Public Sector Accounting Standard).
4. Ability to deliver the draft audit report by March 10, 2024
Submission Requirements
Interested firms should collect the ToR and submit the following documents in one sealed envelope within 7 working days from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm starting from the first day of this announcement on the Reporter newspaper:
1. Company profile and proof of legal registration (a renewed business license, VAT registration certificate, TIN certificate and other relevant documents.)
2. List of relevant experiences and references from similar assignments.
3. Proposed methodology and timeline for the audit.
4. Detailed financial proposal, including fees and any applicable taxes.
All applications must be submitted physically to Jerusalem Children and Community Development Organization (JeCCDO), Addis Ababa Physical Address: From Megenagna to CMC street, Gurd-Sholla adjacent to Ethiopian Athletics Federation Building in Ten Sisters NGOs Building 2nd flour For more information please call :-