Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia Invitation calls for Final Evaluation of Empowerment of Vulnerable community through integrated Slum Area Development
Tender Information
Tender Category
Starting Date
Aug 19,2024
Closing Date
Aug 29,2024
Tender Description
Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia Invitation calls for Final Evaluation of Empowerment of Vulnerable community through integrated Slum Area Development
Deven by the vision that everyone need a decent place to live Hotilal for Humanity begart in 1975 as a grans effort on a commursly tam in southem Georgia. Habitot for Humaly hai since grown to become a leading global nonprolt waning in local communities across of 50 slates in the US and in more than 30 counmes Familler and individuali in need of a hand up porteer with Habitat for Humanity to build or improve a place They can call home
Habitol lor Humanity Ethiopia (HYKE) branch of Hatilful for Humanity Intemotional (HPH) HEHE curently operating under Alico robitat for Humanity Inhematisnat Since it started operation in 1993, Habitat for Humanity Freiopia hat supprirtied more than 145,279 familles (824 344 Individuas y focused on mortgage houses for families affected by poverty and other vulnerabilities the organization has cxpandea in effects to incorporare vulnerable group housing whan thm oparoong urbon resilience building water sontalion and hygame (WASH) and Daster Risk Reduction Responie (03) WASH dance Buling
Hablast for Humanity Ethiopia vites gble consukenh [bidden) to submit bish for the sino evaluation of Empowerment of vunarobe Communilles through integrated Suro Are Development
1. Any consulting firm that tots the following memun requrement can take the detailed terms of reference from The HERE Ofice in pecan or mrough enial request the potential bidder should include in the bid document the following evidence
a. Renamed legal buuress license wiln ite
b. Experience in imilar asmens preferapee
2. wrerested biddels con fake a delaled TOR for the Indl evaluation in penon or through the towing moll procurement@habitufelniopia org starting som August 19 2024 working hours in the morning from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM S in the attimoon from 01:30 PM to 3:00 PM
3. The deadline for submussion of the bid documents à August 29, 2024 before 2:00 PM. Bids will be opened on the saree day August 29. 2024, of 2:30 PM) HPHE Country office in me presence of bidders or bidder's legal representatives who wish to offend
4.Bidden Ihould submit their offers in seuled envelopes only to Habiton for Humanity Ethioplo before the sepen done of the deaalne
5. Bidders must submit their technicat and financiar documents separately
6.trabiliat for fruntonity Ethiopics reserves the night to acceptac seyact any or ai bidate bd shall as be rejected
Physical Address
Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia Bofe Sub-City Gird Shala the building Mat to Centry Mall bom Megnagina to CMC Read drection PO Boa: 8553. tel +251-9-44-53-77-77