10A from relief to recovery is an international NGO registered with the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Charlies and Societies Agency as Foreign Charlly underregetation comicute number 0738 to want in the fields of emergency relel and recoven operations to suppon the lives of refugees retumes Inmemally displaced and victims of conflicts and natural alsarten
ZOA from relief to recovery seeking for competent and reliable consultaricy firm to conduct End line suncay on "Mull-Sectoral Emergency Response to Conflict-Affected Communities in Eastern Zone of Tigray Regin. Ethiopia
Mandalory Requirement
Copy of intered & Relevant buihesce
Copy of VAT Regurobion Certicoli
A copy of competence sertlicate
Technical Evaluaran (Non Mandatory) 80
Financial Evaluation 20%
Bid will be floated from August 25, 2024, to September, 2024, up to 5:00 PM. [offemoon]
Late submission will be rejected.
ZOA Ethiopia office reserves the right to reject any bid and to annul the bidding process partially or all bids at any lime prior to contract award, without thereby incuring any liability to Biddern
Bid instruction document and Terms of reference (TOR) can be obtained from 20A bomrelief to recovery, Country Office in Addis Abatia located behind Rwanda Embassy next to ET Hope Furniture from August 25. 2024, to September á. 2024, during working hours (8:30 AM - 5:00P.M.3. Bid will be closed on September 9, 2024 at 2:00 PM (afternoon) and will be opened on the same date al 2:30 PM (afternoon) at 204 country office, Addis Ababa Bidders are advised to properly read & understand ZOA's Tender guideline to fill all the necessary details requested on the lender guide For further information please contact IDA from rellet to recovery office of the following oodress or in person
ZOA from rellef lo recovery Telephone: +251 0111 207910