Holt International Children's, Inc. is an international non-profit US based child welfare organization, licensed by the Ethiopian Government to provide service for children and their families at risk. Holt International children's Service Ethiopia invites qualified and registered Audit firms recognized by the Accounting and Auditing Board of Ethiopia (AABE) to submit their technical and financial proposals for auditing the book of accounts of the organization for the period of year 2024. Eligible audit firms must produce the following documents and information:
1. Tin and Vat Registration Certificate
2. Renewed trade licensed and certification of registration
3. Time frame to accomplish the task.
The bidders are expected to submit their technical and financial proposal in person in separate sealed envelope within 7 working days of this announcement. For additional information please contact us with the following address:
Holt International children's Service Ethiopia
Yeka Sub-City, Wereda 08, Behind Deneberuwa Hospital, Near Universal Medical Collage